Sunday, April 2, 2:00pm
Auditorium, UNC Charlotte Center City
Directors: Rana Kazkaz, Anas Khalaf
France, 2016, 14 minutes
Important parking information
Parking in the UNC Charlotte lots near the Center City building on weekends is only for cars with a regular parking permit for Center City and for faculty with a parking permit for the main campus. All other vehicles will be towed. Options for students and visitors: 1. Park on the streets in First Ward unless prohibited; 2. Park at 7th Street station; 3.There are a limited number of daily parking spots in Preferred Parking-owned lots nearby: Lot locations and daily fee rates.
Sponsors: Speakers Funds provided by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; UNC Charlotte Italian Club
Introduced by Daniela Cunico Dal Pra, Lecturer of Italian, UNC Charlotte. Discussion in videoconference with the directors Rana Kazkaz, Anas Khalaf will follow the screening.
On the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, a Syrian Father makes a decision that puts his daughter’s life at risk.
This short film was presented at several festivals, including the Cinemed (Festival International de Cinéma Méditerranéen) in Montpellier, France on October 26, 2016; the Dubai International Film Festival on December 2016; the Sundance 2017 Shorts Program on 28 December 2016.