Friday, March 23, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm, CHHS (College of Health and Human Services) Room 376
How have Hollywood filmmakers presented Arabs and Muslims since the silent era? What is the impact of the tragic attacks of 9/11 on the industry’s stereotypes? What are some of the challenges facing Arab and Muslim American actors and directors in narrating their stories and communities? Please join us to learn about these issues and discuss them with Dr. Waleed Mahdi.
Dr. Waleed F. Mahdi is an assistant professor at the University of Oklahoma with joint
affiliation in the Department of International and Area Studies and the Department of Modern Languages, Literature, and Linguistics. He is a comparatist with research and teaching interests in US-Arab cultural politics. His current book project examines the representation of Arab Americans in Hollywood, Egyptian, and Arab American filmmaking with key interest around issues of identity, belonging, and cultural citizenship.