March 24: Q&A with Director Anand Kamalakar (in person) after the screening of his documentary feature Salam (in English). The screening starts at 12:15pm in Fretwell 100, after two short films from Uzbekistan and Indonesia at 12:00pm.
March 24: Q&A with Director after the screening of his documentary short Soldier Saints (30 min.). The screening starts at 3:15pm in Fretwell 100, after a student-led introduction at 3:00pm.
March 25: Q&A with Director Debasish Sen Sharma (via Skype) after the screening of his film Aaranyadeb (120min, in Bengali with English subtitles). The screening starts at 12:00pm in Fretwell 100, after two shorts from the Philippines and Malaysia at 11:45am.
March 25: Q&A with Director (in person) after the screening of his documentary short Echoes from the Plantations (Guyana, 38 min.). The screening starts at 3:15pm in Fretwell 100, after a short from Nepal at 2:50pm.
These events are sponsored by the Charlotte Asian Film Festival, the UNC Charlotte Department of Philosophy, and the UNC Charlotte Chancellor’s Diversity Challenge Fund.