Sunday, March 25, 12:00pm, UNC Charlotte main campus, Fretwell 100 (Campus map)
Directed by Debasish Sen Sharma, 120min.
In Bengali with English subtitles
Followed by Q&A with the director over Skype
Sponsored by the Charlotte Asian Film Festival, the UNC Charlotte Department of Philosophy, and the UNC Charlotte Chancellor’s Diversity Challenge Fund
Note: Two shorts from the Philippines and Malaysia will be screened before this film, at 11:45am (see tab Asian short films)
A story of two friends, two cities within a same city, sharing the same soul. Aranya and Deb are the two best friends who represent two diasporas of modern times, each trying to be what they were destined to be- special. While Aranya is a laid back person and considers himself a superhero, Deb is a superhero in all possible terms-studies,career, family. They get separated at the age of 14 and find their destiny to meet when they are 40. Something magical happens in that fateful day which change the course of their lives – forever